Listening, Acting, Leading
Thank you for visiting my website!
It's an honor to serve the good people of Bethel, East Bethel, Oak Grove, Andover, Ham Lake, Athens, and Linwood in House District 31B.
I want residents in this district to know that I share your concerns about massive increases in state spending, the economy, inflation, and public safety.
Under one party Democrat control in Minnesota, spending has skyrocketed. Democrats not only spent all of the nearly $18 BILLION budget surplus, but they also raised your taxes an additional $10 BILLION! This is a nearly 40% increase in just two years to the state’s budget. Practically no one received a 40% increase in their household income during this same time. We MUST return balance to state government!
Due to inflation under the Biden/Walz economy, our hard-earned dollars are not going as far. With inflation up 8.5% over last year, gas prices up more that 15%, and food prices up 11%, the fastest jump since 1979, I know the best thing we can do is lower taxes so that your money goes farther.
Public safety is also top of mind to all of us. As of 2021 under Gov. Walz, murders are up 71%! Aggravated assaults rose by 33%. There were 779 carjackings in 2021, and, there were over 900 reported incidences of assaults on police officers. Parts of our state are literally in chaos. This is unacceptable.
I will continue to support our men and women in uniform. We must increase penalties for repeat and violent criminals and stop the Democrats' revolving door of crime. Soft-on-crime polices from Democrats and judges who refuse to enforce sentences are making our communities less safe. Myself and my GOP colleagues will change this if we are elected to new legislative majorities.
Please explore the rest of my website. If you have questions please let me hear from you by e-mail, letter, or phone. Hearing from you is the highlight of my position! If you are planning a trip to the Capitol, please call my office and I will do my best to meet with you.
You can contact me and sign up for my e-newsletter at [email protected].
Thank you again for your continued support, and be sure to keep in touch. Together, we will bring common sense back to Minnesota.
Peggy Scott
Home: (763) 238-7322
It's an honor to serve the good people of Bethel, East Bethel, Oak Grove, Andover, Ham Lake, Athens, and Linwood in House District 31B.
I want residents in this district to know that I share your concerns about massive increases in state spending, the economy, inflation, and public safety.
Under one party Democrat control in Minnesota, spending has skyrocketed. Democrats not only spent all of the nearly $18 BILLION budget surplus, but they also raised your taxes an additional $10 BILLION! This is a nearly 40% increase in just two years to the state’s budget. Practically no one received a 40% increase in their household income during this same time. We MUST return balance to state government!
Due to inflation under the Biden/Walz economy, our hard-earned dollars are not going as far. With inflation up 8.5% over last year, gas prices up more that 15%, and food prices up 11%, the fastest jump since 1979, I know the best thing we can do is lower taxes so that your money goes farther.
Public safety is also top of mind to all of us. As of 2021 under Gov. Walz, murders are up 71%! Aggravated assaults rose by 33%. There were 779 carjackings in 2021, and, there were over 900 reported incidences of assaults on police officers. Parts of our state are literally in chaos. This is unacceptable.
I will continue to support our men and women in uniform. We must increase penalties for repeat and violent criminals and stop the Democrats' revolving door of crime. Soft-on-crime polices from Democrats and judges who refuse to enforce sentences are making our communities less safe. Myself and my GOP colleagues will change this if we are elected to new legislative majorities.
Please explore the rest of my website. If you have questions please let me hear from you by e-mail, letter, or phone. Hearing from you is the highlight of my position! If you are planning a trip to the Capitol, please call my office and I will do my best to meet with you.
You can contact me and sign up for my e-newsletter at [email protected].
Thank you again for your continued support, and be sure to keep in touch. Together, we will bring common sense back to Minnesota.
Peggy Scott
Home: (763) 238-7322

Peggy was first elected in 2008, and the Scott Family has lived in Andover for 28 years.
They have 2 grown children, two grandchildren on the way, and a golden retriever, Summer.
Peggy and her husband are former small business owners.
Former licensed Realtor.
Member of Transform Church, Andover.
Past coach for youth soccer and basketball.
Peggy served as a Parks & Recreation Commissioner for the City of Andover.
They have 2 grown children, two grandchildren on the way, and a golden retriever, Summer.
Peggy and her husband are former small business owners.
Former licensed Realtor.
Member of Transform Church, Andover.
Past coach for youth soccer and basketball.
Peggy served as a Parks & Recreation Commissioner for the City of Andover.
Legislative Committees
Rep. Scott serves on the following committees:
* Judiciary, Civil Law and Data Practices - Former Chair and current GOP Lead
* Ways and Means
* Higher Education
* Legislative Commission on Data Practices - Former Chair
* Child Support Task Force
For more information, visit Rep. Scott's Legislative Website here.
* Judiciary, Civil Law and Data Practices - Former Chair and current GOP Lead
* Ways and Means
* Higher Education
* Legislative Commission on Data Practices - Former Chair
* Child Support Task Force
For more information, visit Rep. Scott's Legislative Website here.
On the issue of: Taxes and the Economy
Under complete Democrat control, spending has skyrocketed and so have your taxes. The Democrat trifecta spent ALL of the nearly $18 BILLION surplus AND raised your taxes by $10 BILLION! This is an unsustainable 40% increase in the state’s budget in just two years. Family and small business budgets didn’t see that kind of increase in their budgets! I take seriously, the hard-earned dollars you have to send into the treasury. With inflation at historic highs, families have less disposable income. Our wages and salaries are not coming close to keeping pace. Rather than increasing spending by 40% like the Democrats did, let’s have state government cut back and slim down the spending. Let’s have government do with less! Let’s get rid of policies that increase the cost of goods and services like the California emissions standards for vehicles, forced green energy policies that make energy more expensive, and over-burdensome regulations that drive up the cost of daily living. Government needs to live within its means just as families and businesses do. On the issue of: Life Life should be valued at ALL stages. With complete control of state government, Democrats recently changed Minnesota law to allow for abortion up until birth. This mirrors abortion policies found in countries like North Korea and China. This is far too extreme and does not fit the values of the overwhelming majority of Minnesotans. On the issue of: Education Rep. Scott believes in putting our children’s education first. This means a focus on core academics, without a social or political agenda. It also means allowing for parental involvement in what is being taught and the ability of the parent to choose the best school for their child. Our focus needs to be on higher standards of achievement and measurable outcomes so that our kids can be ready to compete in a global economy. With children having lost months of learning due to Covid shut downs, we need to focus on making up for that learning loss. On the issue of: Health Care Rep. Scott has supported the following legislation that would lower health care costs:
On the issue of: Public Safety
Public safety is also top of mind to all of us. As of 2021 under Gov. Walz, murders are up 71%! Aggravated assaults rose by 33%. There were 779 carjackings in 2021, and, there were over 900 reported incidences of assaults on police officers. Parts of our state are literally in chaos. This is unacceptable. The Democrats do not take crime seriously. They let a Democrat State Senator stay in office and vote, who broke into her step-mother's home in the wee hours of the morning and took items that were not hers. This State Senator used a black sock over a flashlight and broke into the home through a basement window! I received the endorsement of the MN Police and Peace Officers Association and I will continue to support our men and women in uniform. We must increase penalties for repeat and violent criminals and stop the Democrats' revolving door of crime. Soft-on-crime polices from Democrats and judges who refuse to enforce sentences are making our communities less safe. Myself and my GOP colleagues will change this is we are elected to the majorities. On the issue of: Second Amendment Rights Rep. Scott believes your Second Amendment rights are individual rights. Rep. Scott has a perfect voting record on Second Amendment Rights legislation. Rep. Scott also supported legislation that charges straw-purchasers with a felony, if that firearm is used to commit a felony. On the issue of: Energy Rep. Scott supports an “All of the Above” approach to energy solutions. Energy options should be common sense, market-driven and must keep the rate-payers—our families and businesses, in mind. Expensive energy will make our state less attractive to new businesses and could act as an incentive for existing businesses to leave our state. On the issue of: Higher Education The jobs of the present and the future do not all require a 4 year degree. Rep. Scott supports programs that promote two year degrees that will lead to good-paying jobs in the trades. Employers are begging for qualified CNC operators, welders, electricians, etc. High schools are responding and working with our tech schools to promote these jobs. Industry is working with students and some are offering mentorships, help with tuition, and jobs upon graduation. On the issue of: Champion of Government Transparency and Protecting Personal Privacy
Rep. Scott has been a hawk on inserting government transparency into current and new laws. With so much sharing of citizen information between agencies and programs, there must be role-based access to this personal information and audit trails must be created so that citizens know who viewed their personal information. Additionally, Minnesotans must give consent before their information is shared.
Rep. Scott fought hard to protect your health records against a powerful health care industry that wanted to do away with the requirement in Minnesota law, The Minnesota Health Records Act, that Minnesotans must provide consent for their very sensitive health care information to be shared. Vertical Divider